Frequently Asked Questions: Home

Triveni Indian Students Association at UNC Charlotte > Frequently Asked Questions: Home

Find FAQs from every topic on these grouped category pages. Click on the titles to open the category page. If you cannot find a question and want to submit a request for a question to be answered, scroll down to the bottom of this page for a FAQ submission form.

General FAQs

General Questions about what we are and what we do

Immigration & Visa

Questions Pertaining to Immigration, Visa, Customs, International Travel and more

Accommodation & Housing

Temporary & permanent accommodation resources around UNCC

Admits, Courses & Tuition Fees

Admissions to UNCC, Course Registrations & Dates, Tuition Fees and more

Employment & CPT/OPT

Employment on campus, off campus, practical training (CPT & OPT)

Membership, Airport Pickups, Groceries, SIM Cards & Banks

Questions about memberships, airport pickup trips, and other member services offered by Triveni ISA

Events at UNCC

Events organized by Triveni ISA at UNCC

Immunizations & Health Insurance

Mandatory immunizations and minimum health insurance requirements

Submit your queries for questions you want to be included in the FAQs page. The questions will be updated in the FAQ pages within 48-72 hours.

    If you have multiple questions, enter them in seperate lines.

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    Charlotte, North Carolina, USA